| 1. | It sought to achieve legal security for everybody and sponsored the principle of equality before the law . 它力求使每个人都得到法律保护,主张法律面前人人平等。 |
| 2. | Equality before the law 法律面前人人平等 |
| 3. | The people of our various nationalities enjoy the absolute equality before the law 我国各族人民在法律面前享有绝对的平等。 |
| 4. | Although the phrase was used by this country ' s founders to denote equality before the law , it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity 尽管这句话被国家缔造者们用来预示法律面前人人平等,它也被解释为机会面前人人平等。 |
| 5. | Thus , while acknowledging the interest or view of different stakeholders , council will take a disinterested position but pursue a course of action that is most appropriate in contributing to the rule of law and equality before the law 在确认不同利益团体的利益或观点的同时,本局将采取大公无私的立场处理事务,为建立法治社会及法律面前人人平等精神而努力。 |
| 6. | Such an approach thus discriminates against this class of people , flouting the principles of basic justice and equality which should underlie the government and thus violating article 25 of the basic law s protection of equality before the law 这种带有歧视的做法,蔑视政府应依循的公义平等的基本原则,违反基本法第二十五条保障法律面前人人平等,也助长群众歧视新移民。 |